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Your partner in safety & security

At Mentor Worldwide Security Services, our basic programme is: “Ultimate Security, our company’s Key Target”
This “statement of principles” wasn’t rashly chosen. It sums up in one sentence what we stand for. Good services for a correct price with motivated collaborators and satisfied clients.

The founders of M.W.S.S. are people who have already proved themselves since a long time in this sector. Each of them in his or her speciality. By seeing the lack of efficiency of many others, they have founded a company to be able to offer a better quality, in combination with more satisfaction for their clients and collaborators. We do not have the ambition to become the greatest in Belgium, but we aim at remaining the best in our services, flexible, active and surrounded with satisfied people.

We commit ourselves to have regular contact with you as a client and with our collaborators, so that a continuous adaptation can be done wherever it needs to be. You know also that the laws and regulations change continuously, procedures must be adjusted, people must be briefed. To do so, you have a team-responsible person on the spot, but these persons cannot always do everything themselves and this is why we give them support from the company, so as to allow them to concentrate fully on their task and not getting overloaded with administrative jobs imposed by their head office.
Satisfaction does not express itself in an annual meeting, but it is a continuous process that needs to be worked on day by day, so that you as a client can feel and see its expression in the engagement of our collaborators.
It is of course about the satisfaction on both sides, and this is what Mentor Worldwide Security Services is committing itself to towards you as a client and those who are in the action field.

Mentor Worldwide Security Services is a security company that is authorized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the following official number: Verg .Fod .Binn .Zaken.16.1080.12.